Category Archives: Adventure

The Big Cat People

The Big Cat People

Cinnamon Life in association with HSBC Premier hosted an evening with famous wildlife photographers & authors, Jonathan & Angela Scott on the 7th of July hosted at Cinnamon Grand Hotel, The At ...
Cinnamon TBCasia 2016 – CALL FOR SPEAKERS!

Cinnamon TBCasia 2016 – CALL FOR SPEAKERS!

TBCAsia 2016 is on the lookout for thought leaders, trend watchers, travel innovators and other experts in the world of travel to contribute their knowledge as a speaker at the Cinnamon Travel Blogger ...
24 Hours in Colombo

24 Hours in Colombo

Colombo is a beautiful city. But even better, it’s a small, beautiful city. Unlike the teeming vastness of New York, or the byzantine mazes of London, Colombo, the financial heart of Sri Lanka, is a m ...